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Thursday, December 8, 2011

This is our new library Christmas Tree.
The idea however, was borrowed.
Here are the most frequently heard comments from our students:
"Is that a Christmas Tree?"
"Christmas Trees are supposed to have leaves."
"How did you get lights to stick to books?"
"Why did you do that?"
"Why aren't there any presents?"

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

1st quarter -gone- wow

Here I sit at my desk during parent/teacher conferences thanking God for my job as librarian.  Not too many parents need to "conference" with the librarian.  We just finished the book fair and got many books in the hands of kids.  It still amazes me the amount of money families will spend for books.  It's wonderful.  Soccer season is over and Davis did great for his first time.  I've been a grandma for one year.  That amazes me.  I was in my first car crash 4 weeks ago and still have pain when I cough but I thank God that my family is safe. 
My handsome boy at Kyli's wedding.
I'm so glad he loves books but someone needs to tell him to turn it over.  Somebody help the poor child!
Oh---I turned 40 and someone told out waitress.  The free dessert was delicious however!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is it summer yet?

As library media specialist, I have to work 20 days after school is out.  I've been able to get a lot done without all my usual interuptions that each school day brings.  I can't believe each day I get out of bed, I don't dread coming to work!  My job is absolutely a blessing.  I've created a teacher library section that I can't wait for our staff to see and most importantly, use!  So as I unplug the vacuum, turn off the coffee pot and lock the door, maybe I'll see you at the pool on the 21st when I'm "outta here" and beginning my summer!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Book Fair!

I'm so excited about my second book fair! I don't know what I would do without Mrs. Cook's help. She is so artistically talented. Look at all the amazing things she can make. It's a carnival theme "Get Your Ticket to Read." We will be open two evenings until 7pm and the "Goodies with Grandparent" event will be Friday at 7:30am. That will be fun for all. I love my library and all the students and teachers who visit it make it worth while. Happy reading!