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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's almost July already?

June 30th? Are you serious?  My summer so far has been full of huge emotions. 
Woo Hoo I got the Library Media Specialist position at Granby!  I'm so excited and thankful.  It was a goal of mine that I felt God put in my heart and after a few short years of preparing and waiting it's finally happened.  I've already been busy working and getting to know my new position.  I almost can't stay away from the library. 
Boo Hoo I got the Library Media Specialist position at Granby.  I have to report for work August 2nd which in itself is not a big deal.  However, even after begging the boss, I can't have any time off during that week to go to Camp Meeting. That week is such a fun and relaxing time for my family that it makes me sad that I can't go with them.  Not to mention the fact that Mark and I head up the "Snack Shop" and consider that a time we can be servants to our youth group and other campers.  Now I have to leave it to others to handle. With one week in California and  one week at church camp, I will be apart from Mark 3 weeks this summer.  Definitely not my idea of summer vacation.
Shooh (pronounced "shoe") When it's all said and done, I know God has a plan that I can't always see.  It's about trust, right?  I will be the best librarian I can be and hope God is glorified with the way I handle my "Woo Hoo's" my "Boo Hoo's" and at the end my "Shooh's".

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer is under way!

So here I am in the 9th day of June.  The hum of the air conditioner tells me that even though the calendar on my fridge says it's still officially spring, in southwest Missouri, it's really summer.  I have only taken one year off from teaching summer school since I began teaching 12 years ago.  That was the summer after Davis was born.  This makes year two.  I love not teaching summer school and feel almost guilty to be able to have all this freedom to spend on whatever... Yes I have made a list of things I want to achieve and also a list of 9 books for my summer reading fun (almost done with 3 already) but I can completely understand how I could become lazy as the days pass by.  I feel I can't use the excuse "I haven't had time."  Which is ok, of course.  Mark is still going to bed at 9:00pm because he gets up so incredibly early for work.  Since we tend to do better as a couple when we "hit the hay" at the same time, I also still crawl in bed at 9:00pm.  So in order to not get lower back pain or dull headaches, I can't stay in bed too long.  Therefore, I'm still up early every day.  My goal is to spend some time in quiet reflection before Davis gets up but honestly, I find I have the coveted control over the remote first thing in the morning so I'm either watching TV or reading whatever book I want to cross off my list.  Maybe actually typing out my lazy tendencies will in fact, help me over come them.   I guess the proof is in the pudding as they say.  I'll keep you informed of my anti-lazy summer goal if "I have time".........